Sunday, January 4, 2009

Life Lessons, pt II

This is the follow-up to my last post, a list passed on to me by a friend of "Things I've Learned So Far" by an Austrian multi-media designer. The list inspired me to come up with my own list of life lessons, passed on to me by 18 years of mountain biking and 13 years of running my own mountain bike adventure company.

Top 10 Life Lessons that Mountain Biking has Taught Me

10. Look ahead, and occasionally glance back, but always stay present... or you're heading for a crash.

9. Don't be afraid to take (calculated) risks. It's the only way you'll progress.

8. Riding the same trails over and over again will eventually get boring. Explore new places.

7. Exploring new places is fun, but there's no place like home.

6. Speed is your friend, but know when to apply the brakes.

5. Your bike needs proper and regular maintenance to run smoothly. So does your life. Don't be afraid to visit a mechanic if you can't do it yourself.

4. It's OK to get a lift to the top sometimes, but the downhills are way more rewarding when you do the climb yourself. When you get to the top, enjoy the view.

3. You will always take some falls. Falling is an opportunity for learning. Get up, and learn from your mistakes.

2. Stay on the path. Don't impose your own desires and expectations - go with the flow and let the trail take you where it takes you.

1. Every now and then it's fun to ride solo, but mountain biking, like life, is better when done with friends.

What lessons has mountain biking taught you? Leave me a comment below!


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