Tuesday, November 30, 2010

If Tyler Durden Rode A Mountain Bike

We received this response to our "20 Things Mountain Biking Teaches You About Life" post and thought it worthy of a share. If you've never seen the movie Fight Club then this probably won't make any sense...

Brad Pitt would approve.
What Would Tyler Durden Do?
He'd ride a bike.

First Rule
You do not talk about Bike Club.

Second Rule
You do not talk about Bike Club.

Third Rule
When someone says "Stop" or goes limp, the ride is over.

Fourth Rule
Only one to a bike.

Fifth Rule
One bike at a time.

Sixth Rule-
No trike's, no uni-cycles.

Seventh Rule
Riders go on as long as they have to.

Eighth Rule
If this is your first night at Bike Club,you have to ride.

"I want you to ride as hard as you can."

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