Thursday, November 15, 2007

Amazing extras for our Peru trips


I've been hard at work with my Peruvian partner Wayo to really make our Peru trips as awesome as we possibly can. I think the mountain biking portion of the trips is pretty much as incredible as can be, so we decided to add some non-biking options to our trips. Starting with our spring 2008 trips, you'll be able to add some incredible post-trip adventures to your trip: a visit to either the spectacular Colca Canyon or the Tambopato Wildlife Reserve in the Amazon Jungle.

Hope to see you in Peru!



Unknown said...

This sounds like a fantastic idea.
The riding is all top-notch — the best I've ever experienced — but for the average gringo, I think the opportunity to cram two or three non-bike memories into the trip makes it even better.
Of course, if there was some way to include Huaraz, I'd happily forgo all of the sightseeing opportunities.
Looking forward to Guati.

Melbourne Asbestos Removal said...

Thaanks for sharing this